
More Donations for Flood Victims

Home Archived More Donations for Flood Victims

By Reagan Malumo


In an effort to counter starvation among disaster-hit communities, Nored donated 30 bags of maize meal and 18 boxes of tinned fish to flood victims in the Caprivi Region last week.

Handing over the food consignment to Caprivi Regional Governor Leonard Mwilima, Nored’s Chief Executive Officer Gottlieb Amanyanga said the donation was intended to supplement Government’s effort in supporting various programmes at grassroot-level, while at the same time enforcing its social responsibilities of giving back to the community.

Thus Nored shall continue to respond to natural disasters and Amanyanga urged governor Mwilima to make sure that the donated emergency relief food to the Caprivi Region is sent to affected families as soon as possible.

Amanyanga said that torrential rains in the country have resulted in heavy floods and called on other stakeholders and businesses to emulate the example of Nored in order to relieve affected communities.

Mwilima extended his appreciation to Nored for the generous contribution and assured that the food would be distributed to affected communities.

He called on all communities living in the flood-prone areas to start relocating to higher ground. He also said that the process of relocating school children and teachers is underway, and requested all stakeholders to engage in the campaign to relocate all affected communities as well as render support.

Torrential rains this season in the Caprivi Region have sparked fears of food insecurity as thousands of subsistence farmers in the region have lost their crops and livestock due to massive floods.

Hundreds of fields in the fertile lake Lwambezi at Muyako, one of the region’s breadbaskets in terms of maize production, are submerged in floodwater.

Fields at Sangwali, Lisikili, Kalimbeza and the entire eastern flood-prone areas have suffered extensive damage.