
More than 100 000 people using Infinity Cards

Home Business More than 100 000 people using Infinity Cards

WINDHOEK – More than a 100 000 people are now using Infinity cards as a way of earning CashBacks, according to the Director of Infinity Namibia, Francois Loots.

Infinity Namibia operates a multi-partner coalition rewards program in Namibia and South Africa, relying on a tried and tested technology platform with the necessary features to not only build a viable and sustainable rewards program but also to structure and drive campaigns and to continually engage in dialogue with consumers.

Inifinty Namibia offers an infinity transparent rewards principle called ‘CashBack’. Cashback is money that customers get every time they shop at any Infinity affiliate in Namibia. Customers simply pay the affiliate in either cash, credit card or with the accumulated CashBack rewards on the Infinity Card. The card will be swiped through the affiliate’s card terminal and the receipt produced will indicate the amount of the purchase made as well as the amount of your CashBack reward earned.

According to Loots, retail partners have seen a number of core benefits emerging from their participation in the Infinity Rewards Coalition Program. “The average amount spent by coalition members, measured as a function of basket sizes, has steadily increased over the last decade and has constantly outperformed the inflation adjusted growth figures of non-program members. Our partners are therefore able to build a substantial database of their loyal customers and as such are able to recognise their loyalty with targeted offerings as well as foster a constant dialogue with the consumer”, said Loots.

Infinity Rewards has grows substantially and now has a coalition consisting of more than 100 partner stores and over 100 000 consumers participating in the program. The Infinity model is based on an easy to understand system and rewards are given in Namibian Dollars. Every time consumers make a purchase or swipes their card they get a percentage of the purchase back on the card in the form of CashBack.

According to Loots the ability to recognise and understand valued consumer behaviour is proving to be a great asset for Infinity’s retail partners as part of their marketing mix. “This comes off the back of global statistics showing that loyalty reward initiatives continues to grow and is actually becoming a stronger part of the marketing mix of companies. This is not surprising as every campaign and every intervention is measurable with regards to its impact on the bottom line of the business.’’

Loots added that Infinity is committed to deliver a compelling and targeted offering, based in Namibia, for Namibians. ‘’We are keen to speak to buying groups like government employee organisations, big corporates and unions that are interested in getting the benefit to their members. If you are a Namibian, get hold of this card and enjoy the rewards” advised Loots. The CashBack that a consumer collect can be spent at any participating retail partner.