
MTC dismisses network deterioration claims

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MTC dismisses network deterioration claims

Despite numerous complaints from customers, the country’s first mobile telecommunications service provider MTC has dismissed allegations that its level of service is dwindling. This follows customer complaints received by New Era detailing slow data speeds, poor call quality and generally a worsening of their overall service. 

However, MTC spokesperson Tim Ekandjo yesterday told New Era that MTC’s services of data speeds have not been compromised, and there is no performance degradation on its network. He added that the company constantly has hands on deck to ensure optimal voice and data services.

“Worth sharing is that data speeds can be impacted by numerous factors. These can range from the customer’s device, the applications on the cellphone, or data settings and the mobile technology, to mention a few. The same applies to the quality of calls. Factors such as the third-party caller (if not MTC), and/or how far one is from the coverage can tamper with call quality,” he explained. 

Ekandjo noted that MTC implemented a new computerised system on 8 November 2021, which was widely announced in daily newspapers. As part of their digitalisation strategy, the system was implemented to offer more effective and efficient operations, with the main aim to improve the customer experience with the service offerings from MTC.  

“Generally, the migration of such systems are known to have a failure rate of up to 70%. However, we have managed to have a successful migration in November. Furthermore, and factually so, migration of such nature, in fact any system, does take time to stabilise and clean up. The sporadic and isolated encountered issues have been prioritised to ensure that no customer is adversely affected. But we, nonetheless, apologise to our valued customers for that”, he stated. 

“Just to give context, MTC has a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) from the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN), the regulator that we need to adhere to, and we are pleased to always satisfy/comply as expected,” said Ekandjo.