
Mukupi Should Be Taken to Court

Home Archived Mukupi Should Be Taken to Court

I write to react to your article “SPYL Leader Could Be Sued for Slander” which appeared in the New Era of 5 February 2008.

As a member of SWAPO Youth League, I have read in the Namibia Today the statement issued by Comrade Charles Siyauya, Secretary for Information, Publicity and Mobilisation on the issue in the Caprivi Region.

The statement was prompted by the defiance of the SWAPO Party directive that all the 12 regions under the control of SWAPO should not change governors and just remain with the serving ones.

Amongst those councillors who defied SWAPO directives is Hon. Felix Mukupi, the Councillor for Sibbinda constituency.

If anyone should be taken to court it should be Hon. Mukupi and not Cde Siyauya.

Besides it is childish and shows that Hon. Mukupi does not know how SWAPO Party operates for him to resort to the media to make unfounded allegations and threats against his fellow member.

By the way, would Hon. Mukupi, who was a known Koevoet operative of many years, dare tell the Namibian people when he joined SWAPO and for what?
It is not a secret that RDP is using dirty tricks not only in Caprivi but also everywhere in the country.

In your newspaper yesterday (New Era) there was an article that RDP gave brandy to some youth for them to attend a RDP rally in Gobabis, is that not a dirty trick?

When I read the statement by Siyauya there was no mention of either Masubia or Mafwe tribes, where did Hon. Mukupi get the idea that Siyauya was defaming the Mafwe?

Another thing, why is Hon. Mukupi bringing in the issue of Chief Control Officer of the Hardap Region James Sankwasa, linking him to the statement of Siyauya?

It shows more clearly that Hon. Mukupi has no clue nor is he capable of distinguishing between tribal loyalty and party loyalty.

In fact, reading all said by the Hon. Councillor I get the sense that either he is sympathetic to RDP or to NSHR – in which case by having resorted to the media it is implementing the instructions of Jesaya Nyamu who equally threatened legal action against the SWAPO Youth League.

My message to Siyauya and other Swapo Youth League leaders is don’t give up, remain firm and keep fighting, because you are causing endless panic amongst the ranks of RDP, NSHR and their collaborators who are currently hiding within SWAPO Party.

Don’t forget that a certain prominent Swapo leader sent a congratulatory SMS to Phil ya Nangoloh recently; the question is why?

Wake up the youth of Caprivi and of the entire Namibia!

A Proud Mafwe Youth