
Namibian geologists shine at Kimberley Diamond Symposium

Home Business Namibian geologists shine at Kimberley Diamond Symposium

KIMBERLEY, South Africa – A group of Namibian geologists attended the Kimberley Diamond Symposium and Trade Show held in Kimberley, South Africa during mid-September 2014. The symposium is an annual event where diamond mining experts share knowledge on best practices in the industry. It further provides a platform to highlight and discuss changes and trends in the local and international diamond industry.

As part of the symposium various diamond mining experts presented their findings on different technical topics. This was done through oral and poster presentations which focused on a wide range of new developments, trends, and leading edge research and development in the diamond industry.
Megan Runds and Kegan Strydom from Namdeb Diamond Corporation won first prize for their poster on “The submerged Sperrgebiet – delineating the occurrence of diamonds in the offshore concessions of the Namibian megaplacer.” The poster explained the potential of some of Namdeb’s midwater concessions, and took into account key aspects of onshore mining and prospecting.
In addition to this, three other posters on various aspects relating to Namdeb’s geology were presented by Namdeb geologists.
Dr Jurgen Jacob, Namdeb’s Head of Mineral Resource and Environment presented “The geological evolution of the Namdeb mining areas” and “The significance of accretion on Namdeb’s mine plan – which is extended to 2031.”
Dr Jacob had this to say: “Our participation and achievement comes at a significant time when Namdeb will be celebrating 20 years of existence under the theme of ‘Innovation and Value Creation’. People who have been in the diamond industry and know our history and setup were truly impressed by what Namdeb has achieved over the last few years.”