
Naute workers live in deplorable conditions

Home National Naute workers live in deplorable conditions
Naute workers live in deplorable conditions

KEETMANSHOOP – Keetmanshoop Rural councillor, Willem Labuschagne has raised concern over the living conditions of Namibia Industrial Development Agency’s employees at the Naute irrigation project.

The councillor said it is disheartening to see that employees are living under deplorable conditions.

“I visited the farm some time ago to investigate some complaints received from the workers and found them not having access to the NamPower electricity connection, making life unbearable,” he said. 

The politician added that these farmers are suffering heavy financial losses since their perishable foods are rotting after a few days of purchasing them. 

“I have been informed by the workers that they are now forced to sleep in the open fields as it is too hot inside their living quarters, resulting in three people recently getting stung by scorpions,” he said, further stating that if children are stung during nighttime, they will not reach the hospital in time for treatment.

The councillor added that, due to lack of access to electricity, some workers are forced to enter neighbouring commercial farms illegally in search of firewood. 

“I was also reliably informed that only a portion of money due for the provision of electricity has been paid over to NamPower in the meantime whilst negotiations are ongoing between the energy utility and Nida to reconnect electricity at the workers’ accommodation facilities,” he said. 

Another challenge, according to the councillor, is timely salary payments to employees.

Labuschagne added that this is a crisis that needs urgent intervention from the government as there are rumours that the workers might go on strike.

Responding to questions sent, Nida senior corporate communications manager, Wessel !Nanuseb said it was due to a repeated default that the supply of electricity to residential dwellings were suspended and all is being done to restore power. 

!Nanuseb said there is no for workers to enter private commercial farms to collect firewood as Naute farm has sufficient land where wood can be harvested from.

 The spokesperson also gave assurance that seasonal workers are receiving their salaries at the end of each month as per their contracts. 

“Where workers gave non-active banking details, obviously banks reject and revert such funds to the Agency and we then alert such employees of it, once the correct details are furnished, employees then only receive their salaries,” he explained.

Concerning the alleged upcoming strike, !Nanuseb said there are set processes to be followed before any industrial action can take place.

He further said an amount of N$800 000 has been paid over to NamPower to restore electricity at residential dwellings this week.
