
NBIC business plan runner-up receives prize

Home Business NBIC business plan runner-up receives prize

WINDHOEK – On October 31, 2014 FNB Namibia handed over their sponsored prize of N$15 000 to the runner-up in the Namibia Business Innovation Institute’s annual business plan award ceremony. This is the fourth year that FNB Namibia supports this initiative.

Immanuel Munjoka of the FNB Business and SME Division represented FNB Namibia.

During his address he gave some points of advice to the upcoming entrepreneurs centred around focusing on the future of the business to ensure its sustainability, to reinvest in their business cycle, to grow the business year on year and to have a well prepared business plan for their product or service with good market potential.

“At FNB we work hard and smart to create sustainable wealth for all stakeholders particularly SMEs through discipline, innovation, empowerment, engagements, and value added partnerships as well as passion for service excellence,” said Munjoka.

Quench Namibia, represented by Llewellyn Dunaiski, received the runners-up award from FNB Namibia.

Munjoka said that Quench Namibia had inspired them and he hoped that the N$15 000 would go a long way in assisting them to achieve their business goals.

Quench Namibia will be a full service mobile retail agent for Oasis pure spring bottled mineral water in Windhoek.

Quench Namibia will exclusively operate with 10 mobile Q-station vendors at the 10 major intersections across Windhoek. Each Q-station will retail Oasis pure spring mineral water to people on the go, whether drivers, passengers, cyclists, runners or pedestrians at competitive pricing avoiding the time consuming store visits.