
Ndapanda’s Travels – Starting the year right

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Ndapanda’s Travels – Starting the year right

To the readers who are not new here, we know I am a sucker for new beginnings. The sunrise and birds chirping are symbolic of the beginning of a brand-new day! A new week, and even a new year. 

They are all symbolic of a clean slate in my world. A new day to work towards the weekly goals, a new week to set the standard for the month. A new month to tick off what should have been accomplished weeks back and a new year to really, really wipe the slate clean. Reinvent yourself if you want to, it’s all possible with new beginnings in my world.

My life changed drastically last year! I found myself needing to spend more time at home and unable to travel as much as I would have liked to. This (in my mind) was going to slow down my brand quite a bit, and I will not lie, I was a little sad about it. Thankfully, we are all family and you, my lovely readers, have been very graceful towards me. I do not take it for granted. The internet is not always kind, but the online community appears to also have extended me some grace, and I remain forever grateful.

The time away has given me some time to reflect on what I want to achieve with the column this year, and I am so excited for what I have in store for us.

We are about to jet set across Africa, backpack across all corners of Namibia, and have some meaningful conversations around travel, creating and payments (this one can be controversial, but it’s a necessary evil).

I plan to also have interview-style content to give the column a little bit of an edge.

So, if you’re looking for some excitement this year, you are definitely in the right place.

If I haven’t said so yet, Happy New Year lovely readers, and let’s get travelling!

Please do not hesitate should you need any travel consultation, travel booking, or simply want to reach out to me for creative collaborations.

– ndapandahaininga@gmail.com

Instagram: @__ndapanda

Facebook: Ndapanda Haininga