
NPL CEO post, a deal gone awry … When the bad eclipses the good

Home Columns NPL CEO post, a deal gone awry … When the bad eclipses the good

The ensuing brouhaha about the apparent imminent appointment of Erwin Ndajvera as the new chief executive officer (CEO) of the MTC Premiership has left our permanently blundering football bosses with egg on the face.
NPL made an announcement through its chairman Patrick Kauta that the search for a CEO has been completed.
Kauta half-heartedly informed members of the media earlier this week that former African Stars Football Club executive member, Irwin Ndjavera, came out with flying colours from the interviews and was “promptly” recommended by the panel as the most suitable candidate for the flagship football league’s plum job.

What left many flabbergasted about the entire exercise were Kauta’s offside remark that the appointment was subject to an agreement between Ndjavera’s current employer, the Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service, a statement that raised eyebrows and suspicion.

It has since emerged that the “successful candidate” was never officially informed nor was he offered the job including the perks that would possibly entice him to vacate his current position as a senior sports officer in the portfolio ministry.

Without beating about the bush, this amateurish handling of Ndjavera’s appointment smacks of nepotism while one cannot desist from pointing out a slight element of dishonesty with the entire recruitment process.
The moment it came to light that the NPL hierarchy was engaging the government for the release of Ndjavera – yours truly could sense the smell of the Atlantic Ocean.

In view of the above, would yours truly be wrong if I conclude that Ndjavera’s appointment was predetermined and the entire process of shortlisted candidates and subsequent interviews was just a mere camouflage exercise? I’m just wondering.

How on bloody earth does one apply for a job elsewhere and still have the audacity to dictate terms of your imminent exit, nogal requesting your current employer to keep your position open in case the grass is not greener on the other side, as if that particular post is exclusively tailored for your convenience?.
The only logical conclusion is that NPL doesn’t have the financial means to meet the market-related salary of the incoming CEO.

This has obviously resulted in the decision to wheelbarrow Ndjavera into the post as an easy route to manipulate the portfolio ministry to bail them out.

Not that the author has any doubts over bro I’s level of competence or ability to execute the designated functions – the bone of contention is the suspicious manner in which the entire process was conducted.
It contains an unpleasant odour of nepotism and above all, lack of transparency, to say the least. Well, this is exactly what happens when corners are cut.

When the bad eclipses the good
Namibian football has been thrown into further turmoil following the sad news that club officials are now resorting to assaulting footballers as a means of resolving disputes.

For starters, Sky Sports has suspended Liverpool legend Jamie Carragher, after a non-football related incident. The defender was grounded after he spat at a young girl outside the stadium.

The English are not only the implementers of the beautiful game – they are indeed the true leaders of global football judging by the fashion in which they have taken the lead in rooting out hooliganism and racism in the

It’s disgusting to hear footballers being exploited by scrupulous club owners, let alone being assaulted for exercising their rights in search of denied justice.

If a coach manhandles a player in any decent structure, he or she would be in hot water with the football authorities regardless of the severity of the offence committed by the player.

Seriously, we cannot have a situation where people in positions of trust become a law unto themselves. It’s incumbent upon the league authorities, including the country’s football controlling body, NFA, to stand up and be counted. I rest my case.