
NSA, Polytechnic strengthen

Home Business NSA, Polytechnic strengthen

WINDHOEK – The Polytechnic of Namibia, which will as of next year be known as the Namibian University of Science and Technology, yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) that will serve as a catalyst for their collaboration.

According to the agreement, the two institutions will collaborate in student placement for research and inservice training, excursions and funding.

The NSA will provide opportunities to Polytechnic students and staff to undertake research projects and other related activities, subject to the identified needs of the NSA. The NSA will also investigate the option of providing scholarships to a predetermined number of students enrolled at the Polytechnic in line with its mandate and areas of interest.

The NSA’s Chief Operating Officer, Osia Kaakuha, who was standing in for the Statistician General, Dr John Steytler, called on both institutions to ensure the relationship is a success.

“MoUs should be living instruments and should not gather dust somewhere in a corner,” said Kaakuha.

Polytechnic Rector, Professor Tjama Tjivikua, speaking during the signing ceremony said university and industry collaborations were very important factors in strengthening capacities in both sectors and the economy.

Prof Tjivikua said the agreement would help redress skills development shortages and increase graduates’ employability. “It also provides opportunities for capacity enhancement at the NSA,” he added.

The Polytechnic boasts a strong mathematics and statistics department that has enrolled over 1,000 students since 2008. Of this number, about 100 students have graduated in the two fields. Kaakuha himself is a Poly graduate in the human resources field.

By Edgar Brandt