NSK’s monthly favs: June

NSK’s monthly favs: June

Let’s continue our monthly tradition of sharing a personal playlist of strictly Namibian music. As usual, evidently there is a need to add a disclaimer: This list that I share monthly is not a New Era list. It is not sanctioned by New Era or endorsed by the publication in any

This list is not a Fresh FM list either. I do not own Fresh FM. Fresh FM has its own management, rules, and processes. This has nothing to do with playlisting it on the radio or getting your song on the radio. This list is in no way related to any other business I am involved with. I am a music-loving Namibian. I staunchly believe I should be allowed a personal opinion. 

Once again…please understand that these songs are on my personal playlist. These are songs I play in my personal setting. No agenda whatsoever… just a pure feel and love for music. 

Now, unto the music. If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I love RnB. In my monthly series, I’ve highlighted a number of Namibian RnB acts. Allow me to plug you with Treza (Cooper). 

Radio presenter and all-around lover of music finally dropped an EP. I’ve known of Treza’s RnB abilities for years and as a fan, I’ve been patiently waiting for her to drop something substantial. The last time I wrote about her was when she dropped ‘How you want it’. 

On her five-track EP, I am obsessed with ‘In your arms’, ‘Double identity’, and ‘Ever’ featuring Ian Lovely. If you love RnB…Treza is where it’s at! 

Staying with RnB… who on earth is Kalhi?! What she does on ‘Jah’O’ with Ms Gideon is breathtakingly amazing. The song is from Ynot’s collective that has all their acts on it. On a serious note, though… I need an answer. Who is this Kalhi person who has me annoyingly repeating this song? She tried house here and there… but that did not really do much for me. It’s what she does on ‘Jah’O’ and ‘Bend over’ that has me in my feels. 

Staying with that collectively EP…Yeezir once again proves that he is not a one-hit wonder. At such a virgin stage of his career… the homie already has a commendable set of incredible songs. ‘Finish You’ is on my playlist. I love music that has the ability to caress my ears. Music that doesn’t irritate my ears. That’s exactly what ‘Finish you’ is by Yeezir for me. 

Moving on from RnB… ladies, gentlemen and non-conformant…Emmanuel Rose. I’ve written about Emmanuel Rose a few times. It’s safe to say he is one of my favourite Namibian Hip Hop acts. His new four-track EP solidifies what I have been saying…that he is undoubtedly one of the best in this country. That whole EP slaps. However, what is an NSK monthly favourite without Kwaito? 

Chris Wayne and Mabuzza is a combination I did not know I needed. ‘Methano’ is everything a Kwaito song in 2024 needs. A good log drum accompanied by a powerful vocal led by Mabuzza. Chris Wayne is wrong about this song. It’s so damn good. Again… music that has the ability to caress my ears. Music that doesn’t irritate my ears.

If you do take some time out to listen to these songs, tweet your thoughts, using the hashtag #IndustryLoop. Happy listening! 

Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM                                                 

Need an MC? I’m YOUR guy. Hit me up…naobebsekind@gmail.com