
Okahandja, Mission Work and PCC choirs meet in third knockout stage

Home Time Out Okahandja, Mission Work and PCC choirs meet in third knockout stage

WINDHOEK– Okahandja Youth Choir (OYC), the Mission Work Youth Choir and the Pentecostal Protestant Church ( PPC) Choir compete in the third knockout stage of the Joyful Sounds Choir Competition on Sunday at the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN).

Last Sunday the Soli Deo Gloria Choir reached the semi finals of the Joyful Sounds Choir Competition on November 9. Soli came first in the second knock out stage of the competition against The Salvation Choir and Christian Assembly Choir last Sunday. The previous Sunday the Poly Choir, in the first knock out stage emerged winner over Massive Choir and the Restoration Ministry International (RMI) to become the first choir to reach the semi finals.

The fourth knock out stage of the competition pitting Adoration Choir, Mission Work for Jesus Christ Choir and the Bella Roge Choir against one another on November 2 to determine the fourth semi finalists. Another two choirs from those who lost in the knockout stages are joining the four choirs qualifying for the semi finals, meaning six choirs would be in the semi finals. Three choirs would then go into the grand finale on November 24.

After a spirited appearance by Angolan a-cappella group Vocal 4, the Soli opened the second knock-out stage of the competition, attired in sin brownish safari-like African shirts and matching and black pants exuding  much energy. They had so much fun on the stage  expatiating the glory of praising the Almighty. They performed three songs and one could discern from the judges that the songs were indeed soothing and smoothing their ways into the inner of the judges. And as much the audience couldn’t stop clapping for them hands and the aura  of joy seemed to have descended on the theatre easily catapulting the Soli on a journey that would eventually make them the hit of the night.

The Salvation Choir took third place and the Christian Assembly second, The Soil Deo Gloria got 210 points, the Christian Assembly had 184 points and the Salvation Choir 144 points. The Christian Assembly were equally elegantly and smartly attired  with the ladies in colourful dresses and the gentlemen in black shirts with the colourful ties. Their first song was in Afrikaans and it got people clapping hands.  The Salvation Choir  were as much great and they also sang three songs attired in blue, white and black.


Local stand-up comedian from Free Your mind, Noel, took time to entertain audiences with some jokes announcing that very soon he will be inviting famous comedian from Nigeria. While the judges, Sharon Van Rooi, William Peterson and Dennis Eiseb deliberated on the final points, Neol nonchalantly eased away some of the edge prevalent whilst the choirs awaited the ‘verdict’.

The Joyful Sounds Choir Competition is proudly sponsored by Vigo and the FNB Foundation. The NTN and the NBC are partners. NBC television will be filming the semi-finals and finals in November for broadcasting live or at a later stage. Tickets cost N$ 60 throughout the knock-out stages and are available at Computicket outlets and at the NTM. Doors for the knockout stage on Sunday open at six O’clock (18H00) with the  choirs starting at seven O’clock (19H00).