Omaheke records poor voter registration 

Omaheke records poor voter registration 

Zebaldt Ngaruka 

EPUKIRO – A low turnout of eligible voters has been observed in the Omaheke region’s seven constituencies in the first month of the general registration of voters exercise. 

Despite the Electoral Commission of Namibia’s (ECN) efforts to encourage eligible voters to register, the region is experiencing a low turnout. 

New Era caught up with Epukiro constituency registration officer Kauetu Murangi, who said that voter education is ongoing in the region, and youth ambassadors have been added to encourage the youth to register. 

“All we need is the support from various stakeholders like traditional authorities, farmers’ unions, and churches amongst others to inspire and motivate the masses to register. There will be no other voter registration this year,” said Murangi. 

Murangi added that no major chal lenge s were experienced in his const ituency and the registration process is going smoothly despite the low turnout. 

Omaheke region has about 60 053 eligible voters from its seven constituencies but has only managed to register 20 330 voters. 

These figures represent 33.9% of the eligible voters. 

Topping the list of low registration turnout is Otjombinde constituency, which registered 998 people out of 4 207 eligible voters, and that figure represents 19.2%. 

Otjombinde is followed by the Ka l ahar i constituency, which has managed to register only 2 276 voters out of the 7 107 eligible voters. 

T h e v a s t A m i n u i s constituency with 8 539 eligible voters has only registered 2 808 voters so far. 

Another low voter registration turnout is experienced in Okorukambe constituency, where 2 584 people have registered out of 7 398 expected voters. 

Okorukambe is followed by the less-populous Epukiro constituency, where only 1 675 voter cards were issued during the first month. 

Meanwhile, Otjinene cons t i tuenc y ’s vot e r registration stands at 36.9%. 

There, 2 451 eligible voters were issued with voter cards out of 6 791 potential voters. 

Out of the 60 053 eligible voters in Omaheke region, 32 810 are male, whereas 27243 are female.