
Omuthiya CEO job: Mushelenga throws ball back to council

Home National Omuthiya CEO job: Mushelenga throws ball back to council

OMUTHIYA – Minister of Urban and Rural Development Peya Mushelenga has thrown the ball back to Omuthiya Town Council to deal with the issue of recruiting and appointing an acting CEO.

This was after mayor Katrina Uusiku late last week informed New Era upon enquiry that council is still without a head – even in an acting capacity – after founding CEO Samuel Mbango left on August 31.
Uusiku said council was to rely on the advise of the minister.

Council refused to renew Mbango’s employment contract upon expiry.
“We are waiting for a response from the minister to guide and advice us on how to deal with the matter, that is when we, as council will decide the way forward,” said Uusiku, without divulging further information. 
“You are asking a lot of questions that I cannot answer now, once everything is resolved, you will be informed,” she told the New Era. 

Uusiku’s reasoning is based on the request of Mushelenga last month, when he told council to compile a report detailing the reasons why they opted not to renew Mbango’s contract. The minister has since not given feedback on that. 

Meanwhile, Mushelenga said council should deal with the matter as there is a legal case instituted. 
“Yes, I am aware that the council does not have a CEO, however, there is a legal tussle instituted. The matter is up for arbitration, so it’s up to the council to deal with the issue,” briefly stated Mushelenga, on the sidelines of the belated Heroes Day commemoration held at Omboto on Friday. 

Queried about the outcome of the investigation he instituted following the unearthing of alleged corruption and nepotism allegations by Mbango recently, Mushelenga said: “That’s a different case, investigation is done and I am studying the report. However, that should not be construed as part of the CEO issue, no. They are two separate issues,” stated the minister.

The non-renewal of CEO contract left the council of seven members divided, and the matter was worsened when Mbango revealed irregularities, corruption and nepotism activities of some councillors. 
Councillors were accused of issuing and leasing several plots to themselves and jobs for relatives.