
Omuthiya mayor dodges corruption queries

Home National Omuthiya mayor dodges corruption queries

OMUTHIYA – The re-elected mayor of Omuthiya Katrina Uusiku Wednesday dodged questions regarding issues of corruption, nepotism and maladministration that have beleaguered the institution for some time now.

Uusiku is one of the local authority councillors implicated in a corruption matter, including allegations that she allocated herself several plots. She also reportedly refused to vacate a piece of land consisting of three erven, which council compensated her for. “Tell him that is not part of my speech, I will not respond,” repeatedly said Uusiku to acting CEO Simon Nghuulondo, who chaired the swearing-in ceremony Wednesday. The mayor along with her deputy Heskiel Nanyeni, management chairperson Beata Nashongo and management committee member Enos Shipahu who were all re-elected, are also accused of dishing and leasing plots to themselves. There are also allegations that some councillors facilitated the employment of their relatives at the council.  The Anti-Corruption Commission has been investigating this matter. Just recently, council had to re-advertise two positions of a human resources and health environmental officer, after candidates who excelled were reportedly overlooked. The corruption allegations rocking the town council also led to a protest march where residents demanded justice. In her speech Wednesday, Uusiku said the council would focus on availing more land at the newly developed extension 8.  She also announced that council has set aside N$2 million towards the fencing off of a modernised open market facility. In addition, Uusiku highlighted some developmental plans, saying the town will soon have a NaTIS centre for vehicle registration and licencing. She also said a vocational training centre is in the pipeline.