
Opinion – The ONE Economy Foundation impact

Home Opinions Opinion – The ONE Economy Foundation impact
Opinion – The ONE Economy Foundation impact

Tuwilika Elias 

Support groups hold immense significance, especially in a society grappling with diverse social challenges. In a world where safe spaces for young people to openly express themselves and receive the necessary emotional and psychological support are scarce, The ONE Economy Foundation has stepped up, filling the gap with the #BeFree Youth Campus.  Through its multifaceted programmes and projects, it is committed to fostering inclusive development and nurturing environments where individuals can share their experiences, seek assistance, and find empowerment.

The role of support groups is particularly profound within the context of Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV). The #BreakFree Campaign, with its comprehensive case management approach encompassing legal and psychosocial support, plays an instrumental role in facilitating healing and resilience among victims and survivors of SGBV. 

It provides a safe space to share experiences, seek guidance, and receive empathy fosters healing and strengthens victims and survivors of GBV, allowing them to reclaim control over their lives. 

Through social support, survivors develop positive coping skills, mitigating the negative effects of the trauma. In addition to individual healing, these groups hold a wider societal impact. 

Survivors who emerge stronger from these support networks often become advocates for policy changes and social reforms. 

The resilience they gain through collective empowerment allows them to confront the root causes of GBV, leading to a more comprehensive effort in combating the issue.

The impact of support groups goes beyond the needs of the individual, it extends and cuts deep into the social and structural fabric of our society.

The ripples of those interactions have empowered many people and it’s this impact that excites and gives me hope.

 I have seen and experienced how the strength of the #Befree dialogues and the act of bringing young people together is changing narratives and developing a generation of individuals who not only mentor each other but also help confront challenges head-on, collectively navigating the intricacies of these issues. 

As a result, some are speaking up and fighting against HIV/AIDS, while others are challenging harmful social norms and stigmas that perpetuate violence, mental health taboos, and inequality. Additionally, others are advocating for structural policy change, better access to education and health, and contributing to building a better society. 

Amid the empowerment, others continue to nurture environments and spread awareness about the importance of safe spaces and support groups for people and survivors, breaking down barriers and encouraging open conversations.

For people who fear speaking up verbally or reaching for help, the #Befree Chatterbox is a transformative step, providing an essential, safe, and confidential platform for individuals who seek comfort in written communication.

My personal experience underscores the significance of the Chatterbox, as I too engaged with this platform during a FLON event at Unam in 2017. Observing firsthand the support it offers to those in need solidified its importance as a support tool.

While the ONE Economy Foundation maintains its pivotal role in offering support services, it’s important to recognise that we also hold a responsibility in fostering and establishing support platforms for others. 

Our contribution should involve shaping a society that goes beyond mere observation. As we collectively champion these efforts, we pave the way for a more inclusive, supportive, and empowered society. 


* Tuwilika Elias is an HIV&GBV Advocate, Fulbright Scholar, and Cookingham-Noll Fellow.