
Opportunity to Meet German Filmmaker

Home Archived Opportunity to Meet German Filmmaker

By Staff Reporter


The Goethe Zentrum and the Wild Cinema Film Festival Trust announced in a press release that on March 2 the public and any persons involved in film production are invited to meet the Berlin-based filmmaker, director and artist, Deborah Schamoni at 18h00 in the Goethe-Centre Auditorium.

Schamoni studied cinematography in Prague and has directed experimental short films and music videos since 1994.

Also present will be representatives of the Wild Cinema Film Festival Trust as well as the members of the band G3, who have received various awards for their music. They were awarded two prizes in the 2006 Sanlam/NBC Music Makers Competition in the Best Rock/Alternative and Best Single categories.

Later in the evening, a selection of music videos and three short films written, directed and produced by Schamoni will be screened. This event is in preparation for the workshop ‘Namibian Music Videos in the Making’, which kicks off on March 3. This music clip production workshop is being organised by Goethe-Centre/NaDS in cooperation with the Wild Cinema Film Festival Trust. During the following two weeks Schamoni, who has extensive experience in the directing of international music clips, and the Namibian band G3 will work closely together with their specially selected ‘workshop crew’. The crew has been chosen from persons who work in the local film industry or who are currently studying film and media. Michaela Bauer, a Namibian production manager, will provide her creative and logistical guidance throughout the duration of the workshop. The workshop will focus on the process of music clip production: from script writing and shooting through to cutting and finishing. The final result – a music clip by G3 – will premiere at the ‘Wild Cinema Film Festival’ in Windhoek in April. Synopsis of Schamoni films that will be screened on March 2 in the Goethe-Centre Auditorium

‘Visitors’, 27 min,
2004 (featuring
Chicks On Speed)
The Chicks are aliens from outer space. One day they land on a rooftop in Brooklyn in their spaceship. Day by day COS become degenerates, busking for money, sleeping in the streets, having sex with cars … hungry, unaware and helpless, they cannot cope in the REAL world which they do not really understand or belong to. ‘Visitors’ is a social study and commentary of society in general and particularly that of the US. Questions are raised, pertaining to greed, belonging, capitalism, globalisation, freaks, homelessness and American politics in general.

‘Hospital Bone
Dance’, 7 min, 2006
H is content with the strict control system she has built for herself as a nurse in a city hospital. H??????’??