
Oshakati budget targets capital projects

Home National Oshakati budget targets capital projects

OSHAKATI – The Oshakati Town Council has allocated the lion’s share of its 2014 budget to capital projects, representing over 70 percent of the entire budget.

In the budget tabled last week by the Oshakati Town Mayor Onesmus Shilunga N$290.6 million was allocated for capital projects, while 6.4 percent was reserved for salaries and wages.

“The biggest cake of the budget is allocated to capital projects – an amount of N$290.6 million representing 70.3 percent of the total budget, followed by the operational budget of N$82.4 million, which represents 20.3 percent while salaries and wages are N$27.1 million representing 6.4 percent of the budget,” explained Shilunga.

Among the capital projects is the continuing work to deepen and widen the Okatana River as stipulated in the Oshakati master plan.

Two bridges will also be constructed. One bridge is to be constructed at Oshoopala to link Oshakati West and the new Ekuku Township via Oshoopala to Ehenye.  

The second bridge is to be constructed at Onendongo to give access to the residents living on the other side of the river where future development is scheduled to take place.

Work on the dyke, which is also stipulated in the master plan, will continue as well.

Shilunga said the council recorded a significant projected increase in total revenue of 10 percent from the previous year’s budget.  The expected revenue is N$400.2 million.

“There is an increase in total revenue compared to the previous year’s budget.  The total revenue increase from N$351 195 124.00 to N$400 216 600 represents an increase of 10 percent,” said Shilunga.   

The increase is attributed to the expected sale of erven at Ekuku township and Extension 16, which was formerly known as Okakukiipupu.

An amount of N$92.9 million is expected to come from the central government.

The mayor urged all stakeholders, from private businesses to individual consumers of municipal services to honour their commitments towards the council by paying their bills on time and in full.

He stressed that honouring municipal services would put the council in a better position to broaden its revenue base.

“This will allow council to deliver good services to its residents, improve on infrastructural development and hence stimulate economic growth and economic development,” said Shilunga.

Moreover, Shilunga urged the council’s management particularly the finance department to ensure that each single cent belonging to the council is collected to strengthen its financial position.

He also urged all council stakeholders to play a more visible and pro-active role in order to maintain at all costs an environment that is investor friendly to attract lucrative businesses to Oshakati, which will in the long run assist the council to fight the scourge of unemployment tooth and nail.

By Nuusita Ashipala