
Oshakati Reservoir Repairs Shelved

Home Archived Oshakati Reservoir Repairs Shelved

By Petronella Sibeene


NamWater has shelved plans to undertake major repairs on a strategic water reservoir that supplies many areas in northern Namibia.

Work on the reservoir was put off after considering that water disruptions might worsen the drought situation in the regions where very little rains have fallen so far .

The repairs that were expected to commence yesterday would have taken two months to complete.

In an interview with New Era yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Dr Nickey Iyambo, said the repair work was postponed to March because of the drought situation prevailing in northern Namibia.

“It was seen prudently correct to hold on, especially considaring that there is no water in the oshanas (waterholes) for animals to drink,” the Minister said.

Last week, NamWater announced that water shortages were imminent in areas such as Oshakati, Ongwediva, Ondangwa, Helao Nafidi, Eenhana, Omunguelume and Omuthiya due to the repair of the 75ǟ