
Oshana Management Committee Sworn-in

Home Archived Oshana Management Committee Sworn-in

By William Mbangula


Oshana Regional Council last week inaugurated its management committee to lead the region for the next three years.

Councillor for Okatana Constituency, Clemens Kashuupulwa, was re-elected as chairman of the management committee and Go-vernor of Oshana Region.

Other members of the management committee are Amutenya Ndahafa of Uuvudhiya, Ismael Uugwanga and Lotto Kuushomwa of Oshakati East.

Kuushomwa replaced the Councillor of Okatjali Constituency Joseph Mupetami.

Presiding over the swearing-in of the management committee, Magistrate Sadiqah Haroun Quendouz told the councillors to serve the nation with respect and dignity irrespective of their status in socie-ty, language, religious affiliation, skin colour and origin.

“You have a huge responsibility on your shoulders to serve the nation properly. Oshana Region is not at the same level as other parts of the world or the capital city of Namibia, Windhoek, but through your hard work and vision, we expect the region to prosper. We hope you will work to put the region at the same level as the rest of the world by serving the people with respect and dignity.”

In his acceptance speech, Go-vernor Kashuupulwa thanked fellow councillors and the community for their support over the past nine years.

He said despite scoring successes in development, the region faces challenges such as education, electricity and water supplies and other infrastructural development problems. Kashuupulwa called on the councillors and support staff to redouble their efforts to ensure a vibrant development environment.

“We are all in the same boat. The success of Oshana Region is not for the management committee and the councillors alone but success for all of us,” he said.

Oshana Region has 10 consti-tuencies.

The Regional Council’s mission is to play a key and leading role by coordinating efforts towards achieving long-term goals and vision. They aim to reduce poverty through increased job opportunities; sustainable resource utilisation coupled with better environmental management; improved access to communication, transportation; promotion of welfare, health education, gender equality, cultural harmonisation and the empowerment of people with disability, in a relatively crime-free environment.