
Oshifo gets first-rate police station

Home Front Page News Oshifo gets first-rate police station

ONGWEDIVA – In the quest to fight and combat crime across the country, the Ministry of Safety and Security on Wednesday opened the over N$25 million police station at Oshifo in Ruacana of Omusati region.
Officers at Oshifo operated from caravans as offices before receiving the state-of-the-art facility.

The just inaugurated police office is the second capital project to be completed by the police following the completion of the police headquarters in Outapi.
The headquarters will be handed over in the near future.

“We are making all efforts to address the rising violent crimes in our country so as to maintain and uphold the freedom from the fear of crime,” said the Inspector General of the Namibian Police Force Lieutenant-General Sebastian Ndeitunga.

At a time when the force is challenged with a shortage of vehicles, Ndeitunga said the new station has been allocated six vehicles to ensure police mobility and effective crime prevention in the Oshifo area of jurisdiction and related activities.

Other crucial components of the new station include staff accommodation and six holding cells.
The inspector general said the Oshifo area is frequented by crimes such as assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, theft, including stock theft and house breaking with intent to steal.
He said given the crimes committed in the area, Ndeitunga assured that the police is dedicated to providing security to all its citizens.

He thus commended the communities continued effort to meet the police half way in the fight against crime.
“Your goodwill, commitment and collaboration with the police in the fight against crime in this area and Omusati region should be emulated by all other Namibians to ensure safety and security of all people and properties,” said Ndeitunga.

In the same vein, he urged the police officers to remain disciplined and dedicated to fight crime and to take proper care of the police facilities to enable government to continue providing policing services to the Oshifo community and the generation to come.