
Oshikoto launches governor’s cup

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Oshikoto launches governor’s cup

ONGWEDIVA – The Oshikoto region’s first-ever PstBet Governor’s Cup was officially launched over the past weekend.

PstBet sponsored the Governor’s Cup tournament with N$210 000 for the next three years, and the games are expected to kick off this coming Saturday at the Omuthiya sports stadium.

About 11 constituencies are expected to take part in the tournament, and compete for top positions. The cup will have four sports codes, namely football, volleyball, netball and athletics.

Oshikoto regional governor Penda Ya Ndakolo stated that the launching of the cup is a statement that as a regional leadership, they have an unwavering commitment to the social cohesion of young people.

“Sport is one of the most cross-cutting of all development and peace tools, as it unifies youth as well as showcases talent. It has the power to heal old wounds and instil hope,” he observed.

Ya Ndakolo said the Oshikoto Governor’s Cup will likewise help build the intellectual ability and physical aptitude of the youth and assist in talent discovery, which may enable some to take up a career in sports.

“Despite being a rural region with limited sports infrastructure, Oshikoto strives to take part in sports. We should share the little resources we have in the development of sport by providing our youth with the assistance they may require, and avail sport facilities that they can use to prepare for the future,” he added.

PstBet marketing team spokesperson Abner Neputa said the company is very dedicated to their corporate social responsibility, and that sport brings people together.

“We have so many young people in Oshikoto whose dreams and aspirations are to become the best football, netball or volleyball players, or best in any other sport codes. They cannot realise this unless we have corporates and government coming together,” he noted.

Neputa highlighted that for many years, sport has been looked at as just sport.

“Sport has the potential of opening economic opportunities and job-creation, especially for those who will be selling products here at this competition. This will surely put bread on their table,” he said.

 Neputa then encouraged the youth to not take the opportunity for granted, but to use it to exhibit the best talents they have.

– maxhenrich356@gmail.com