
Ovambanderu Public Apology on Okahandja

Home Archived Ovambanderu Public Apology on Okahandja

The situation that unfolded during the commemorations of the Ovambanderu Traditional Authority at Okahandja on Sunday, 17 June 2007 had the potential of turning into a serious confrontation between the two factions of the Ovambanderu Community.

It was, however, averted by the maturity and restraint that the Concerned Group (the faction which I am a member of) exercised despite clear provocation and insults that were being hurled at them and at some of the invited guests who graced the occasion.

To Litunga George Simasiku Mamili of the Mafwe tribe and Her Excellency, Frau Ute Koenig, Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, I would humbly on behalf of the Ovambanderu Community like to extend a special word of apology for the inconvenience and embarrassment you had to endure.

King Mamili came with an entire group of senior members of his authority and I must say it was a pity that the Ovambanderu Community was denied the opportunity to establish this bond of friendship with the Mafwe Community.

I must also apologize to the numerous Namibian traditional authorities that were represented there as well as to the individuals from other cultures who also attended, for the inconvenience you suffered in the process of tending your solidarity to the Ovambanderu Community.

I would fail the Government of the Republic of Namibia if I do not acknowledge its diligent and tireless efforts to try and resolve the dispute regarding this particular commemoration.

Hon. John Pandeni, Hon. Kazenambo Kazenambo, Hon. Becky Ndjoze-Ojo and Hon. Gabes Shihepo were all part of some of the meetings that took place involving Paramount Chief Munjuku Nguvauva II, myself and other prominent members of our community to try and resolve our differences.

I must stress that on two occasions, undertakings were made by the Paramount Chief, first on Sunday, 10 June 2007 and then on Friday, 15 June 2007, barely two days before the event, to create an atmosphere that would have facilitated a harmonious commemoration ceremony.

These undertakings were fully discarded at the last minute by the Paramount Chief and created the situation that I just described above.

Let me once again take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to King Mamili and the Honourable Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany for the inconvenience they suffered and also thank the Government through the above-mentioned Ministers and Deputy Ministers for its effort to try and mediate between our two groups. A special word of thanks must also go to the Namibian Police for their visible presence at this commemoration.

I must particularly thank the Concerned Group of the Ovambanderu Community for the restraint and maturity they displayed and urge them to continue showing the same discipline, because our struggle is principle driven and we should never allow emotions and temporary setbacks to derail us.

We must continue to seek the strengthening and democratization of the internal decision-making and leadership structures of the Ovambanderu Community in line with our norms, culture and the supreme law of our Republic, the constitution.

Senior Chief Erastus Tjiundikua Kahuure
Mbanderu Traditional Authority
081 – 129 – 5440