
Peace and security essential

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PEACE, tranquility and security are of great importance for the development of any country to take place. Peace in itself is thus essential for social and economic growth in any country.

Since independence, Namibia has committed itself to defend its hard-won peace, freedom and democracy at home, making it possible until now to prevent any serious threat to peace and security.

During the late 1990s, the country dealt accordingly with some cross-border hostilities caused by UNITA rebels and the armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that culminated in a peaceful settlement between Angola and the DRC’s armed conflict in 2002, the Kasikili Island dispute with Botswana and Namibia, Caprivi Secession and Walvis integration into Namibia.

By so doing Namibia created an enabling environment that is conducive for the development process of the country.

At international level, Namibia has positioned itself very well by participating in many international UN missions in the DRC, Liberia, Sierra Leone to mention but a few in order to strengthen its democratic governance, peace, political and civil stability, the rule of law and low level in the management of corruption.

Now Namibia is a member of SADC, the African Union, United Nations, European Union, Comesa, Ecowas and East African Community for the realization of its vision in international relations that calls for “a new international economic order based on sovereign equality of nations, where sustainable development, peace and human progress are guaranteed.”

Indeed, such an enabling regional and international environment makes Namibia to have a high international profile to continue receiving donor support for the development of the country focusing on important sectors of social and economic development.

Since independence, Namibia has thus been involved in a number of peacekeeping efforts to curb organized crime, money laundering, drug trafficking, human trafficking, arms smuggling and natural resources crime syndicates.

Now the government is focusing on maintaining peace and security, strengthening its capacity to have a strong and effective intelligence information system and enough infrastructure for the entire Namibian Defence Force to achieve a “collective regional and international peace and security,” by the year 2030.