
Pius, the artist who paints with his mouth

Home Art Life Pius, the artist who paints with his mouth

By Nuusita Ashipala

– An enthusiastic young man living with disability from here is making a living through drawing paintings with his mouth.

The 28-year- old Pius Shigwedha shares that he always had been having a passion for drawing and started drawing as a young boy with his cousin when he was ten years old.  The passionate young man adds that although his hands shiver when he holds something, he was still destined to pursue his God-given talent and today he artistically paints with his mouth.

Pius who now paints from his sitting room in Oshakati, informs that he was not confident enough to pick his brush and paint to make a living until he was approached to draw paintings for a Kindergarten in Ongwediva. “I was scared at first when I started with the paintings at the kindergarten because then I could not draw nor mix colours well, but once the work at the kindergarten was complete my heart thrilled with joy and boost my confidence and motivated me to pursue a talent in painting.”

The enthusiastic artist says although painting with the mouth takes three to four days to finish one painting, he is still amazed that he can make a living for himself.

“My paint and brush has become my best friends, and I have learnt how to mix my colours to derive at the desired colour.  I have also learnt how to prepare the linen material that I use to ensure that the paint does not lick and display at the back of the painting.” Pius adds that he would like to gain formal training in paintings but at the moment he says that lack of finance has shunt his dream. He is however hopeful that he would become a recognised artist and that would earn him recognition in the market and compete with other artists in the competitive market. He is encouraging other youths to use their talents and to use their time on positive things that would mould them into successful people rather than engage in actions that do not contribute to the economy of the country.

Pius has already bought equipment’s to frame his work and plans to have them on the market soon.