Police deny texting blood sucking SMS

Home Crime and Courts Police deny texting blood sucking SMS


The Namibian police have refuted claims they sent out a text message that went viral over the weekend alleging that there is a certain mobile number calling people with the sole intention to suck their blood once answered.
Frightened members of the public inundated New Era with text messages seeking to enquire from the relevant authorities on the authenticity of the blood sucking SMS.
The message allegedly issued by the police to alert the public on the dangers of blood sucking through the cellphone is worded in Oshiwambo.
Further, the message claims that close to 25 people have so far “lost their lives” because they answered the number whereby a lady’s voice sucked their blood out.
Loosely translated it reads, “If you receive a phone call from this number (0812127829) by a certain lady by the name, Maria, don’t answer it, because she is an agent of Satan. She is calling people around and she then sucks blood out of them through the phone. Don’t answer the number. She already phoned about 25 individuals who answered and have since died. Therefore you are urged not to answer this number as it is very dangerous.
“Send this text message to all your family members, friends and everyone else who you may come across with. Save their lives as we saved yours. Don’t answer that call she is an agent of Satan. From the Namibian police…10111,” the text reads.
Contacted for comment the Namibian police distanced itself from the SMS describing it as false and misleading.
Police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Kauna Shikwambi, who was on the weekend shift, told New Era that she received the text massage.
She rubbished the claims, saying the SMS is not from the police, and none of its content is truthful. She said it was deliberately being circulated to cause unnecessary public panic, thus the people must ignore and discard it.
“I received it and as Namibian police, we cannot confirm that. I believe this is just another nonsense created to confuse and cause panic in the society. I was on standby during the weekend and I have not received such increased number of deaths during the weekend,” she said.