Arandis Council employees get 4% increament

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Arandis Council employees get 4% increament

SWAKOPMUND – Arandis Town Council employees will receive a 4% salary increase, effective from 1 July, following the approval of the town’s 2023/2024 budget by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development.

Employees and their union, Namibia Public Workers Union initially requested a 5% increase, however, the executive director of the ministry, Nghidinua Daniel, granted 4%.

Daniel, in a letter to the chief executive officer, indicated that the decision to grant the increase was made after a thorough consideration of the prevailing economic situation in the country. 

The increase is also subject to several criteria, including the ability of the council to meet its utility debts and adjust salaries without increasing utility tariffs for customers.

“Council is also expected to adjust salaries without additional subsidies from the central government and without compromising capital projects aimed at facilitating service delivery,” Daniel explained. 

According to him, the council should implement measures to manage and control its limited resources to ensure the provision of basic services such as water and electricity while minimising uneconomical entertainment and traveling expenditures.

The budget for the fiscal year beginning on 1 July, and ending on 30 June 2024, has been approved with a total estimated amount of N$45 million. The central government, through the ministry, will also provide funding of N$140 000 during the 2023/2024 financial year for the construction of services infrastructure. He then cautioned not to exceed this budget, as it is expected to settle any outstanding invoices from the previous financial year before proceeding.

He also instructed that councillors stick to the allowances as determined by the minister. These allowances include N$93 000 for the mayor, N$83 484 for the deputy mayor, N$86 402 for the chairperson of the management committee, N$80 604 for management committee members, and N$77 496 for ordinary council members.

“Council should seek prior written approval from the minister for any grants and donations, including bursaries. Also, reduce uneconomical entertainment and traveling expenditure and manage our limited resources efficiently to ensure the delivery of essential services like water and electricity and other development initiatives,” said Daniel. –