City Police officer shoots assailant during robbery

Home National City Police officer shoots assailant during robbery
City Police officer shoots assailant during robbery

Two male suspects reportedly attacked a City Police officer and his partner in the Soweto residential area of Windhoek on Friday.

According to the Namibian Police in a crime report on Sunday, the two armed attackers allegedly approached the vehicle the officers were in around 00h45 from both sides.

One of the attackers reportedly opened the door of the female driver’s side and held her at knifepoint while taking her property.

At the same time, the other suspect threatened the passenger with a knife in an attempt to rob him.

“The passenger (City Police member) reached for his service pistol and resisted the assailant’s demand. In the process, one of the assailants was shot and succumbed to his injuries,” the crime report said.

In an unrelated incident, a warehouse in Ausspanplatz, Windhoek was broken into and property worth N$150 000 stolen between 04h00 and 05h00 on Friday.

The stolen items amongst others included a welder, a drill machine, a grinder, three bicycles, a battery charger, and a rivet gun.

No items have been recovered, and no arrests have been made.

Police investigations in both matters continue. 

– Nampa