Entrepreneurship prepare learners to be job creators – Mateya

Home National Entrepreneurship prepare learners to be job creators – Mateya

RUNDU – Kayengona Combined School headmaster Anna Ndambu Mateya says it is important that schools’ entrepreneurship day is supported by parents and the community.

She said  the day is of importance in the life of learners which help groom them to become job creators. 
“Because not all of us can be teachers and not all of us can be medical doctors, some will have to employ others,” she said during a recent entrepreneurship day held on Friday at their school.

She noted that according to the school curriculum, this day is very important as it gives learners some skills for them to be on par with the country’s developmental goals of Vision 2030.

“We welcome you all to this day where we will have the opportunity to see what our learners can offer in regards to entrepreneurship skills. This day gives learners the necessary skills to do business,” Mateya further informed learners.

Entrepreneurship day at schools intends to cultivate an entrepreneurial culture and to capacitate learners with entrepreneurial skills amongst other skills as it also gives them the idea to do business.

“In the end, this will help in combating the challenges of unemployment. We don’t want to have unemployment amongst the youths, that’s why they have to practice while they are in school so that one day when they leave school, they won’t have to beg government to provide them jobs. They should be able to at least create jobs or become self-employed, that is what our country needs,” she noted.

Mateya quoted Dr David Namwadi, the founder of the International University of Management (IUM) and the former education minister who once said, “Entrepreneurship is the heartbeat of any dynamic country.” 
“If a country doesn’t have entrepreneurship and if it doesn’t have business, then its dead,” she said.

The school invited a local businesswoman from Rundu, Elizabeth Hilger who owns Tambuti Lodge to motivate as well as engage with the learners on the day. During the day, learners put up stalls to market their various products, businesses and services.