Erongo rolls out corona-care campaign … as Welwitschia hospital helps state hospitals to fight Covid-19

Home National Erongo rolls out corona-care campaign … as Welwitschia hospital helps state hospitals to fight Covid-19

WALVIS BAY – The Welwitschia Private Hospital has donated 10 hospital beds with mattresses,
five over-bed tables and four trolleys to the Walvis Bay state hospital to assist with the fight against coronavirus pandemic.

Similarly, the hospital also launched a corona-care campaign to generate enough funds to ensure the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund state hospitals are equipped to respond to any possible future coronavirus cases in the region.

Launching the initiative last week, CEO of the Erongo Medical Group Matthias Braune said the purpose of the campaign is to coordinate the effort between public and private health care facilities and to assist state facilities as much as possible.

According to Braune, they have in the past weeks received several requests from the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund state hospitals in terms of assistance. “We are facing a crisis and it is indeed a crucial time, whereby the private sector needs to play its part too. That is why we came up with this campaign, as the
two hospitals’ isolation facilities need equipment, much needed to fight the pandemic we are facing,” Braune explained.

He added that the campaign does not only focus on financial donations, but individuals can donate their time, medical equipment or other services needed. “Thus, we are calling on businesses in the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund community for, in particular, monitoring systems, ventilator systems and consumables needed in the isolation facilities. This is not to create panic but just to be ready for whatever may
come,” Braune said.

Erongo governor Cleophas Mutjavikua, who received the donation, applauded the Welwitschia hospital for the initiative and for taking the lead in private-public partnership. Mutjavikua then called upon the fishing
and mining sectors to assist the two-state hospitals in equipping the isolation ward. “I am also calling upon local authorities within the region to make sure that our residents have access to safe, clean drinking
water for the next 30 days. Residents should also adhere to precautionary measures, such
as practising personal hygiene and social distancing,” Mutjavikua said.

Chief principal officer of the health ministry in Erongo Dr Amir Shakir also indicated the isolation facilities at
Swakopmund and Walvis Bay can cater for up to 25 people.

He also added they are currently looking at creating a toll-free number for Erongo in case of a coronavirus suspect case. “However, the ministry is screening all people entering our harbour and airports to ensure the safety of our people. We have limited visiting hours to 15 minutes and only three persons per patient. This is all done to minimise the risk of the deadly virus,” he explained.

Financial Consulting Services (FCS) will be the independent auditor in charge of the funds received and to maintain accountability for the entire project.