Geingob vows to soldier on despite cancer scare

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Geingob vows to soldier on despite cancer scare

In a year he christened as that of “expectations”, President Hage Geingob has vowed to continue executing his presidential duties despite being diagnosed with cancerous cells last week, the Presidency has said. 

In a statement over the weekend, the Presidency revealed that medical results showed that Geingob has cancerous cells, following an annual medical examination he underwent on 8 January 2024. 

Presidential spokesperson Alfredo Hengari said on Friday that as part of his routine media check-ups, the President underwent a colonoscopy and a gastroscopy, which were followed by a biopsy that revealed results of cancerous cells.

As a result, Geingob will undertake appropriate medical treatment to deal with the cancerous cells.

However, what is apparent is that the Head of State remains determined to steer the Namibian ship to the proverbial “Promised Land”. 

“With Presidential and National Assembly elections programmed for the end of the year 2024, the Presidency wishes to inform the Namibian public that President Geingob will continue to carry out presidential duties, alongside Cabinet, of which he is the chairperson,” Hengari added.  Geingob has never shied away from openly disclosing matters relating to his health since time immemorial. 

“In 2015, upon assuming the highest office in the land, the Presidency, President Geingob availed information concerning his health status, which was certified by his medical team as a clean bill of health. In June 2023, President Geingob underwent an aortic operation, which the President communicated accordingly to the Namibian public,” Hengari reminded the public. 

Back in 2014, as Prime Minister at the time, he encouraged people to reduce stigma and dispel myths associated with cancer, adding that it is a disease which can affect anyone, irrespective of their age, race or gender. 

At the time, Geingob also revealed that he was personally affected when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but luckily it was detected early and he received treatment which stopped it from spreading, Namibian Sun reported then. 

“As a survivor of prostate cancer, I would like to inform all Namibians that cancer has and continues to devastate people’s lives, and destroy people’s hopes and aspirations. This is why it is crucial to stop cancer in its tracks before it spreads. Screening is paramount in our battle against cancer, since early detection is the key to surviving cancer. In my case, I was able to survive cancer because I adhere to a regime of regular consultation and screening by my doctors. This allowed them to detect the cancer in its early stages, and treat it before it spread. We are aware now that cancer is hereditary. There should be no stigma associated with cancer since it is a disease which knows no race, age, social status or religion. I would, therefore, like to encourage all Namibians to join the fight against cancer by undergoing regular screening, sticking to a healthy diet, being physically active and managing body weight,” Geingob was quoted in the report.