Health, education top youth’s budget wish list

Home Youth Corner Health, education top youth’s budget wish list

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – Minister of Finance Calle Schlettwein is tabling the 2018/2019 national budget in the National Assembly this afternoon. Some youths weigh in what they think the government should spend more on this financial year.  

Josephine Ileka 
The government must increase more money to the Ministry of Health and Social Services. They cannot stop the tea and coffee break for hospital patients. If the issue is money then the government should allocate more money.

Selma Nangolo
I think money should be spend on the education sector with regards to the recruitment of new teachers as well as the implementation of the new curriculum. I also feel more money should be spend on the health sector because we need more medical personnel and more medical equipment. More hospitals and clinics are needed, especially in rural areas. 

Fillemon Hamoolongo
I want the budget for this year to go to the education sector because we have a lot of complaints about the facilities that are not enough and with the parents complaining that there are no funds to buy books, to pay for the children’s accommodation, to those that are in the hostels and because of the curriculum that has changed, parents are finding it hard to adjust. More money should be allocated to the education sector to address the scarcity of materials in schools.

I feel, as much as more money goes to education, more should be allocated to that. Education must be a priority. I have children and they come home without textbooks or learners sharing textbooks. I feel health should also get a huge chunk of the budget, if we have sick people in our country they won’t be able to work and if they can’t work that affects the economy in a bad way. The servicing of land is another element that should be budgeted for, we need homes, plots, etc. Security is important in Namibia. Those are the four things I would expect the government to spend on more this year.