Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School receives bicycles

Home Youth Corner Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School receives bicycles

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK –  The High Commission of India and Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School last week marked the United Nations (UN) World Bicycle Day and the 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. 

In keeping with Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of preserving the environment and keeping a healthy lifestyle, 15 bicycles were presented to deserving students on  UN World Bicycle Day. These were provided courtesy of M/s. Rani Group. A number of books on various subjects were also given as gifts by the high commission for the school’s library.

High Commissioner Prashant Agrawal told Mahatma Gandhi’s life story and some inspiring incidents from his life to a large number of learners present. He enjoined the children to follow Mahatma Gandhi’s message of “being the change that one wishes to see in the world”. “We will continue to engage with you. The bicycles are just a small gesture from us to you,” said Agrawal. 

One of the students who received a bicycle was Simon Erastus for assisting a peer who is in a wheelchair for the past three years. “I felt really good when I received the bike. I knew from the beginning that I was doing something that no one could do,” he said. 

The principal of the school, Herman Katjiuongua, underlined the values of integrity and self-respect to the learners.

The movement needs of people who walk and cycle seem to be something that is still disregarded. The day is celebrated on June 3 since its declaration by the United Nations in April 2018.