Mbumba urges youth to embrace culture 

Home National Mbumba urges youth to embrace culture 
Mbumba urges youth to embrace culture 

Marythar Kambinda


KATIMA MULILO – The annual Lusata Cultural Festival was celebrated at Chinchimani where thousands gathered for the memorable event hosted by Litunga (chief) George Simasiku Mamili VII at the Mafwe Tribal Authority headquarters.

The event, which is normally an annual celebration, last took place in 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It aims to celebrate culture and acknowledge strides made in advancing the social, economic and traditional wellbeing of the Mafwe people in particular and inhabitants of the region in general.

Vice President Nangolo Mbumba emphasised the importance of events of such nature and described it as being imperative, because they provide platforms for children and youth to learn their culture, norms and tradition, and in so doing, enable them to pass on these customs and traditions to future generations.

He called upon the Namibian youth to take such events seriously, to learn from the elders on the best practices of life, such as respecting themselves, their peers, and their elders, being productive, hard-working and being there for fellow citizens.

He added, the Namibian government is fully aware of the sacrifices the Mafwe people, just like other communities, have made during the liberation struggle for independence, both at home and outside the country.

“I, therefore, call upon all the traditional authorities in this region to be on the forefront to pursue unity, nation building and reconciliatory approach at all times,” said Mbumba.

The vice president said culture and tradition are powerful tools that can bring people together, build and unite societies and in this manner, promote national identity and national pride.

In attendance were the Ngambela (premier) of the Masubia Traditional Authority Albius Kamwi, Omukwaniilwa (king) Fillemon Shumbwa Nangolo of the Ondonga Traditional Authority, senior chief Inyambo Yeta and chief Sikute from Zambia, as well as chief Johannes Chika from Botswana, regional and constituency councillors as well as other dignitaries.

– mkambinda@nepc.com.na