Mokwena bundled out of Tigers cage … lashes out at former employers

Home National Mokwena bundled out of Tigers cage … lashes out at former employers

WINDHOEK – The love-hate romance between Tigers Football Club and long serving assistant coach Peter “Oubaas” Mokwena, also known as “Boere” amongst his circle of friends, has hit an all-time low.
The former Tigers FC versatile footballer is a bitter man, this after he was verbally informed that his services were no longer need at the Shandumbala Boys.

The shell-shocked lanky retired defender is not taking kindly to the apparent shoddy fashion in which he was offloaded and has come out with guns blazing, accusing the club’s hierarchy of betrayal of the highest order.
“Look, it remains the club’s prerogative to appoint and fire personnel as it suits them, obviously in the best interest of the club, but the manner in which I was relieved pains me to the core. Kelly (Asser) told me in no uncertain terms that my services were no longer needed – just like that.

“And this is not the first time that I’ve been fired by Tigers in the most undignified fashion – it’s the third time and I’m no longer going to tolerate this kind of inhuman treatment because any person of dignity should not be treated like an object.”
The usually calculated beanpole former defender minced no words as he climbed bare-knuckled into the club’s top brass.
“I’ve sacrificed a lot since joining Tigers as a raw youngster – very much to the chagrin of my family who are all Black Africa supporters. 

“Let bygones be bygones, I’m done with Tigers and will now change my allegiance to my boyhood team BA – enough is enough,” charged the man rebaptised “Siwelewele” during his playing days, with a trembling voice.
Sources close to the unfolding public spat confirmed to New Era Sport that it’s indeed true that Mokwena’s services have been terminated with immediate effect. 

“It’s a long story because some supporters are also seeking answers as to why the man was summarily relieved of his duties without an explanation. 

“We were all caught surprised but the club will issue a statement in that regard in due course,” says our mole, requesting his identity be withheld for fear of reprisals. Mokwena served under various coaches: Tollie van Wyk, Brian Isaacs, Lucky Kakuva, Woody Jacobs and Bobby Samaria.