NSFAF extends financial aid to Namibians studying abroad

Home National NSFAF extends financial aid to Namibians studying abroad

The Namibian Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) will be granting a once-off payment of up to US$250 (N$4 352) to support students currently studying abroad, as part of its contribution towards the Covid-19 pandemic.
 NSFAF spokesperson Olavi Hamwele said the fund has set aside about N$8.5 million for this particular purpose. 
“It must be noted that it is a maximum of US$250 (N$4 352.50) per student. Meaning some may get less than US$250 depending on the country of study.” 

Some criteria expected from students include the 2019/2020 confirmation of academic progress report from Institution of Higher Learning (IHL) or latest proof of registration or graduation confirmation letter; updated banking details and the signed addendum contract for the NSFAF beneficiaries.
 Non-NSFAF beneficiaries are expected to complete an online application form; submit their copies of Namibian identify, Namibian passport and study visas, 2019/2020 confirmation of academic progress report from IHL, or latest proof of registration or graduation confirmation letter, a signed contract (issued and availed only after application approval and provide banking details.

 Covid-19 financial support to students abroad is divided into two, NSFAF-funded students, and non-NSFAF funded (privately funded students). For NSFAF funded students, they must sign an addendum to their contracts before any money can be disbursed. Whilst for non-NSFAF (privately funded), they must apply through the link, attach all documentation, and sign the contract before any amount can be disbursed,” explained Hamwele.

 He said repayment is as per NSFAF debt recovery policy, which is upon completion of the study. He emphasised there is support to students, applicants have to submit proof of studentship, such as proof of registration, study visa and so forth with payments to be defrayed as soon as applicants sign the contract.
NSFAF currently sponsors 975, however provision for Covid-19 is made for 1823 students including privately funded Namibian students.
This Covid-19 support is independent of the normal payment for international students, which is due and will be paid in September 2020. 
– psiririka@nepc.com.na