Remembering football’s most unloved pocket-size whistle man …Zacharias ‘Bob’ Seibeb, 1958–2024

Home National Remembering football’s most unloved pocket-size whistle man …Zacharias ‘Bob’ Seibeb, 1958–2024
Remembering football’s most unloved pocket-size whistle man …Zacharias ‘Bob’ Seibeb, 1958–2024

A proud product of Walvis-Bay’s largest residential area, Kuisebmond, Seibeb was a real township toughie, never shy to roll with the punches at the slightest provocation, and needed no second invitation for a physical confrontation one-two’s (fistfight). A pacey left-footed winger, Bob, just like many other boys his age, was football crazy.

He would play street football almost every day after school and during the mini-breaks. ‘Bro Bob’ was a founder member of Kuisebmund’s youthful outfit, Super Stars Football Club, where he established himself as a vital cog in the black and white strip outfit’s firing line alongside other highly gifted youngsters in the mix of things. 

Although his overall style of play and talent did not inspire the neutral fan, ‘Bro Bob’s’ never-say-die attitude carried him through his somewhat checkered football resume. After short stints with both Kuisebmund giants Namib Woestyn and Blue Waters, where he paddled in cameo roles, the forceful attacker called it quits to concentrate on match refereeing.

However, he attracted lots of criticism over his well-recorded blatant bias, especially whenever officiating games at the ‘House of Pain’, the Kuisebmund stadium in his native town, Walvis-Bay. ‘Bro Bob’ made no secret of his premeditated intentions, always reminding visiting teams that they would be handsomely paid back in their coin because visiting teams to the city of bright lights (Windhoek) and elsewhere are given raw deals whenever they find themselves in that neck of the woods.

The generally stubborn stocky whistle man was also not afraid to challenge his subjects for a physical fight during matches should they dare dispute his habitual questionable decision-making and deliberate skewed interpretation of the laws governing the game of football during the execution of his officiating duties.

Off the field, ‘Bro Bob’ was a resolute community activist and very active in humanitarian projects advocating for the betterment of the previously marginalised residents of Kuisebmund Township. Additionally, the retired attacker was the self-proclaimed campaign manager for former Blue Waters Football Club’s versatile fullback, Knowledge Ndunge Ipinge, vying for the plum portfolio of Regional Councillor Walvis-Bay Urban Constituency’s hot seat in 2020. 

Meanwhile, his former team, Namib Woestyn Sports Club, has expressed their deepest and most heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and close associates during this time of darkness and sorrow.

“Words alone will never be enough to comfort the family during this challenging time. Nonetheless, we pray that the Almighty affords you strength, courage, and comfort during the hardships of accepting the untimely departure of a beloved family member,” reads a statement from the ‘Desert Camels’ chairman, Colin April.

A jack of all trades, ‘Bro Bob’ was also a very good foot twister on the dance floor. The super energetic retired footie would always make it his sole beat to entrain crowds at local pubs or outdoor social gatherings with his amazing eye-catching dancing moves, much to the delight of curious onlookers.

Well, they don’t say it loud, but whispers doing the rounds in the football gossip corridors have it that the brother once purchased a full set of playing gear for his beloved Super Stars football team on the proviso that he should be in the starting lineup whenever the team wore the new playing attire. That was ‘Bro Bob’ for you!!!