Unam Got Talent spotlights dreams, talents

Home Youth Corner Unam Got Talent spotlights dreams, talents
Unam Got Talent spotlights dreams, talents

The University of Namibia (Unam) is buzzing with excitement today as the inaugural Unam Got Talent show unfolds on its main campus. Spearheaded by Vilho Hakandume, a student representative council for Recreation, this event marks a significant milestone in the university’s history.

The primary objective of the show is to inspire and motivate talented students to persevere in their pursuit of dreams. With a strong emphasis on nurturing creativity and showcasing diverse talents, the event has attracted a remarkable pool of participants.

The first round of auditions saw more than 20 applicants competing for a spot in the coveted top 10. While a significant portion of the applicants were gifted singers, the event also embraced other forms of artistry, including dance, poetry and rap.

 Hakandume, the visionary behind this initiative, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “We want every student at Unam to know that their talents matter, and we are here to support and encourage them. This is just the beginning, and we hope to create a platform where dreams can flourish”.

This landmark event marks the first-ever Unam Got talent show at the University of Namibia, signifying a shift towards recognising and nurturing the diverse talents that flourish within its student body.

The journey towards uncovering the most exceptional talents will culminate in a grand finale, set to take place on Friday at the Unam main campus Leisure Centre.

“The Unam securities have been informed about the event and will make sure that every person at this event adheres to the laws and regulations of the university. An emergency number from all the participants has been taken in regard to an emergency happening. Unam first aiders will also be there to assist if there is any emergency,” he said.

He added that all the participants are to adhere to the safety policy of the university to ensure they are creating a safe and healthy atmosphere for all the people present. 

The rules will depend on the type of act the participant is performing.

The general public is most welcome to come to the Unam Got Talent show. There will not be any tickets sold for the first round – it is free. But for the second round, there will be a fee to be changed at the door.

– epicnakwezy@gmail.com