
Praise be to the rain

Home Archived Praise be to the rain

John Ekongo Amazingly enough, the country received a few mixtures of good fortunes when it came to the rain – and what an abundance of it did we receive. Some of the colleagues heaped praise on the “new old man” as the man of rain. Needless to mention the farmers seem to be ecstatic about the prospect of good profits come harvest time. Everybody seems to be happy and all folks blue and white are in jovial mood at each and every corner of the country. Coming from a totally different environment, you can describe me as an ÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚³nboer-bare mens apart from the few maasbankers you got when the Atlantic Ocean goes for its rare self-exfoliating routine. Not that Walvis Bay is much renowned for farming ventures. So I found myself at some farm “Fontein Bron” somewhere between Tses and Keetmanshoop, where the talk was just as jovial as the rain, and the prospects for good prices at the coming auctions were on everybody’s lips. Having received rain is one thing, but I am extremely taken aback by the manner in which it appears to have taken the Namibian nation and moulded it into a unified bunch. Needless to mention, my people from the four regions up north have already succumbed to the delicacies brought about by the rain, including the few frogs that have ended in the pots of a few homesteads. Somewhere in the Omaheke region, a few fortunate ones are already contemplating the latest top of the range Isuzu Double Cab Utility Bakkie, but not without the contemporary praise “Ozongombe zanunu nozo-gombo mazemunika nawa shinene tangi mukuru, matuzora okuraanda ozo Izuzu naa-mpano”. So the nation has been blessed with good rains, and astonishingly all are getting well together. Wherever you find yourself rain is the topic, spoken expertly by all with a brotherly understanding. The significance is symbolic towards nation building and reconciliation, that white and black seem to agree on one thing, thanks to Mother Nature. Therefore one wishes that indeed Mother Nature would bless us with this reward more often. Should that happen I believe that total reconciliation and unity would definitely be achieved in Namibia. For the meanwhile, even if it means for a few months in the year we can chat to one another in a nicely sugarcoated manner, I am glad it rained. Except for one thing only. Perhaps if it can rain, as much as it did in central Namibia, at the coast as well. In the end, whoever said that President Pohamba is “Omulumenhu Omunelao” was quite right, as the head of state seems to have the blessings of heaven. Quite unfortunately, politics wise we are on a different front. As they say, may the blessings of rain beat upon your spirit and wash it fair and clean, leaving a sparkle where the blue of heaven shines and leaving you clean in spirit. So hopefully an example can be learned from the rains, and politics can grab the chance and enchant the spirit of the rain. Eewa!