
Rundu residents accused of defaming Nored

Home National Rundu residents accused of defaming Nored

RUNDU – The Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (Nored) has undertaken a Network Study and Asset Valuation project in Kavango East Region but which is being sabotaged by a malicious social media message discouraging home owners  to allow Nored staff into their homes and businesses.

“Attention people of Namibia especially Rundu Town, there are people pretending to be employed by NORED. They are moving from house to house asking whether you are using electricity illegal, don’t allow them to enter your house, they will check what you are having in the house and they will come rob you at gunpoint during the night,” claimed the message circulating on social media.

It continued, “If residents happen to see any person claiming he/she is from NORED, tell your neighbours and beat that idiot and call the police.”

According to Nored they have opened a police case against a Rundu resident suspected to have started a defamatory message on social media platforms after requesting the identity of the survey team personnel while visiting his house in Ndama location in Rundu. The suspect allegedly took a picture of the identification card of the Nored-contracted staff which he circulated on social media.

“The suspect has been arrested by the Rundu police for the defamatory charges. Nored in conjunction with the police are continuing further investigations,” said Nored’s public relations officer Simon Lukas.

“Nored hereby wishes to inform its esteemed stakeholders and the general public in Rundu Town and Kavango East Region at large that it has taken note of a defamatory message circulating on social media with respect to the ongoing Network Study and Asset Valuation project in the region,” Lukas said.

“The author of the message is alleging that the study team is not employed by Nored to carry out the project; but solely a gangster enters from house to house to check what you have in your house with intention to rob you at gunpoint during the night. However, Nored herewith states categorically clear that the company has indeed contracted Emcon Consulting Engineers to carry out the Network Study and Asset Valuation project in its entire area of operation, of which Kavango East Region is included,” Lukas noted.

Lukas further stated the project is being carried out by the appointed survey team of Emcon representatives who are in possession of Nored identification cards with both Nored and Emcon emblems at all times. 

The Emcon team is carrying out the Nored infrastructure survey up to and including prepaid metering points.
“Moreover, before the project commenced in every region and town, all stakeholders such as the regional and local councils, police regional commanding office and the community at large were informed of the project through consultative engagement meetings as well as media and local radio broadcasts. The same consultations were done with Kavango East Police regional office and Rundu Town Council which further broadcast the project on the local radio in Rukwangali for the community of Kavango East and Rundu Town,” he added. 

Henceforth, because of the negative impact due to the social media message, Emcon teams will be accompanied by the  police to carry out their designated duties in Rundu. Nored has granted authority and consent to the Emcon representatives to have full access to the infrastructure. 

“Similarly, we would also like to caution the public to be on alert for criminals that might impersonate representatives. Nored further regrets any inconvenience and confusion to our stakeholders as a result of this defamatory message,” he said.