
Safety Tips on Your Home

Home Archived Safety Tips on Your Home

By Sifu Lawrence Hochobeb

Security at Home
– Be suspicious of any stranger who arrives at your doorstep and don’t be afraid to be rude.
– Teach your children never to let strangers into the house.
– Beware of door-to-door “salespeople” and keep a professional distance.
– It someone is at the door and suddenly the outside light isn’t working, this should be a warning sign.
– When you move into a new house, install new locks.
– Don’t keep large amounts of money or other valuables at home.
– Outside doors should be kept locked at all times
– Remove all obstructions in your yard that could conceal a burglar and cut back bushes and shrubs around your front door.
– Burglar proof your doors and windows.
– If you must use the telephone to call for emergency assistance then remain calm and give your name and street address and the nature of the pro- blem quickly and efficiently.
– Use of a firearm against an intruder should only be considered if there is danger of harm.
– Inform a trusted person where you are going and when you expect to return.
– When returning home and your home shows signs of forced entry, do not enter.

While Away from Home

– Try to create a lived-in appearance in your home.
– Never leave notes on your doors that indicate your absence.
– Make sure windows and doors are locked properly.
– Do not leave hidden keys.
– Inform the local police.
– Never leave only the outside entrance light on.
– Inform a trusted neighbour.
– Lock all gates.
– Arrange for someone to stay at your home till you return.

Common Sense Rules

– Be alert in protecting your neighbour’s homes as well as your own.
– If you see or hear someone acting suspicious call the police or alert others.
– DON’T tell a stranger that your neighbour is away.
– NEVER admit to a stranger that you are alone.
– If you are living alone, take extra care.