
Sanjo fundraiser generates N$396 000

Home National Sanjo fundraiser generates N$396 000

BUKALO – The prevailing economic hardships gripping the country did not spare the energetic fundraising drive initiated for the planned renovations of crumbling infrastructure at Sanjo Secondary School in Zambezi, as it only collected N$396 000.

The N$396 000 was mustered through donations ranging from N$500 to the biggest individual donation of N$100 000 made by prominent businesswoman Martha Tilahun-Namundjebo, and the organisers are content with the effort, describing the event as a record-setting accomplishment for the school.
The fact that ceilings are carving in, walls and floors cracking and toilets dysfunctional prompted alumni, business people, diplomats and former education minister, Dr David Namwandi, to respond with vigour to the appeal, with Namwandi donating N$35 000 and offering a N$200 000 scholarship to needy learners at the school.

Namwandi, the founder of the country’s largest privately owned university, the International University of Management (IUM), apart from the N$200 000 IUM scholarship also undertook to transport Sanjo learners and teachers to IUM campuses at a cost to be shouldered by IUM and he also offered to develop the school’s website to improve its internal and external communication.

Last Friday was indeed momentous for Sanjo because it hosted a reunion for alumni coupled with an open fundraiser followed by a gala dinner that cost diners N$500 and N$1 000 for a plate. The Zambezi Regional Council, through its Chief Regional Officer, Regina Ndopu-Lubinda (a Sanjo alumnus), forked out N$10 000.

Former health minister and patron of Sanjo, Dr Richard Kamwi, currently a part-time farmer and an ambassador for a continental initiative against malaria, personally donated N$20 000, First Rand donated N$50 000, Namibian diplomat George Liswaniso donated N$15 000, First Capital LTD donated N$20 000.
The Ntema couple donated N$10 000 and they also paid N$6 000 to former learners having low-paying jobs to attend the gala dinner and to be part of the reunion. 

One of the successful communal livestock farmers in the Zambezi donated a bull worth N$7 000 that will be auctioned and the proceeds committed to the renovations that could see Sanjo restored to its former glory.

Raymond Simaimbula, a teacher at the school tasked with public relations was his buoyant self, when he noted that despite the organisers having a shortfall of N$454 000, as they expected to generate N$850 000, the event was fruitful and was not in vain.

“We did not hit our target, however, the whole event was a very big success. In fact, speaking under correction, it was the most successful in the Zambezi Region, as there has never been any organised gala that generated such an amount. So, generally it was a success,” narrated a sanguine Simaimbula.
Quoting Professor G.E Erhabor, Simaimbula rephrased, “Since gratitude is the best attitude, success is more enjoyable when it is achieved by us not I.”

Simaimbula said the initiative is ongoing and welcomed all prospective donors. “With the funds generated so far, the renovation of the classes is scheduled for the November-December holiday because we wouldn’t want to disrupt any classes or any internal and external examinations,” said the 

To those who responded positively, he had this to say: “We really want to say thank you so much to all those that turned to support us in any way. Others couldn’t make it to the event but their donations reached us, which signified the spirit of Ubuntu in African society. If there was any other word above thank you, we would definitely use it without 