
SKW tennis teams raise the bar

Home Sports SKW tennis teams raise the bar

WINDHOEK – The SKW tennis team fielding the national junior tennis players Cody van Schalkwyk, Oliver Diggle, Luke Sayes and Nguni Hinda were the most impressive winners in the National Tennis Association (NTA) men’s interclub tennis competition that started the previous weekend.

The competition is played in a league-format featuring mainly the city’s second league players. Participating clubs are SKW, Nampol, Unam and the Central Tennis Club (CTC).

Of the quartet, CTC entered the most teams. Matches are played on Saturdays and finish on the 22nd of November 2014.


SKW crushed CTC A with a total of 0:20 points and top Namibian junior player Codie van Schalkwyk defeated Eno Akpabio 6:2 and 6:3 while Oliver Diggle saw off NTA FNB development player Risto Shikongo who retired when down 0:4.

The rout was completed when the SKW doubles team of Codie van Schalkwyk and Oliver Diggle waltzed past the combination of CTC A Bram van Greunen and Patrik Paulus 6:1 and 6:0. The 2nd SKW junior team of Luke Smayes and Nguni Hinda defeated Eno Akpabibo and Risto Shikongo 7:6 and 6:2.

Matches were also played at the CTC tennis park in Olympia that attracted a small but enthusiastic group of spectators cheering their favourite teams.

Despite the loud support from friends and fellow students, the Unam team lost against the more seasoned opponents of CTC-OTB by a total of 14:6 points and the defeat could have been worse had it not been for the convincing performance of Unam captain Adrian Coetzee, who won both his single and double matches.

In the other matches CTC B beat CTC C 17:3. The next inter-club matches will be played on the 4th of next month and tennis fans are invited to watch these matches, which promise to bring some ‘Davis Cup’ atmosphere to the local tennis courts.