
Some pensioners grumble over Christmas gifts

Home International Some pensioners grumble over Christmas gifts


Pensioners living near or within the town boundaries of Omuthiya last Friday had an early Christmas when they were handed small gifts and treated to a special lunch.

They received a gift pack consisting of a face cloth, toothpaste, a toothbrush and soap.
The event was organised by the town council and has now become an annual treat. Around 450 pensioners were on the list of beneficiaries and 150 turned up for their gifts. Many who turned up expressed excitement, noting this is an extraordinary gesture as it is unlikely for them to receive such treatment from their families.

However, some pensioners expressed dissatisfaction regarding the presents, saying it not what they expected and the gifts do not have an effect on their lives as compared to past years when they received, blankets, bags, sugar, food parcels, basins.

Meanwhile the chief executive officer of Omuthiya Town Council, Samuel Mbango, said the “reduction” was due to a lack of funds as opposed to previous years when council had adequate funds.

“This year we didn’t lobby for enough funds thus this affected us in procuring substantial products, that’s why we tried to provide the little that we could with the funds at our disposal,” explained Mbango, adding that this year they only got N$10 000.

In addition, he said, they were supposed to introduce the mayoral event which was supposed to be used as a fund-raising gala in order to source enough funds for the end-of-year Christmas lunch for the elderly.

“Next year we will go ahead with the mayoral event so that we gather enough funds on time and we promise to provide them with better or similar gifts like in the past, but that’s if the event is successful,” said Mbango.

Pensioners are normally registered through their headmen in order to have a confirmed number of attendees, which will determine the quantity of gifts needed. For those that didn’t turn up, the gifts will be forwarded to their respective headmen, where they can collect them.