
Standard Bank sponsors X-trail Series

Home Sports Standard Bank sponsors X-trail Series


Standard Bank Namibia, in partnership with OTB Sport, will be hosting two X-Trail legs on June 5 and July 10 at Farm Godeis and at Avis Dam, both in the vicinity of Windhoek.

The Standard Bank X-Trial Series offer opportunities for veteran, recreational trail runners, families and for those seeking trail-running experience. The sponsorship from Standard Bank amounts to about N$190 000.

“Currently in Namibia there is a growing trend of lifestyle sports. Through hosting the X-Trail series we hope to engage more with our customers by fostering long-lasting relationships through such events,” explains Jacquiline Pack, Head of Marketing at Standard Bank Namibia.

“Trail-running has seen tremendous growth in recent years and provides adventurous spirits with a healthy opportunity to get out and engage with nature and the environment. We would like to encourage the “just-for-fun” and the serious runners to participate in these two events,” says Pack.

At the June 5 event, the first 270 entries will receive a X-Trail Run t-shirt for free. The 7-km Team Challenge costs N$140 per person, while the 16-km costs N$170 per person to enter. Entry forms are available online at www.otbsport.com and the Standard Bank Namibia Marketing Department.

For more information, contact Yvonne Brinkmann (yvonne@otbsport.com) or Sophy Mouton (Sophy.Mouton@standardbank.com.na).