
Swapo rolls out campaign funds 

Home Front Page News Swapo rolls out campaign funds 

WINDHOEK – Swapo has availed a total of N$1.95 million to 13 regional structures to help them prepare for the upcoming general election slated for 27 November.

In an internal memo seen by New Era yesterday, Swapo secretary-general Sophia Shaningwa informed all regional coordinators that an amount of N$150 000 has been availed to all regions to start with the mobilisation campaigns. 

“You are directed to urgently convene a meeting of Swapo Party Regional Executive Committee to discuss the modalities on how the funds should be utilised throughout all your districts in your regions,” Shaningwa told the regional coordinators in a memo dated 23 October.

She said all financial reports should be forwarded to the sub-committee of finance and planning for accounting purposes. 

Meanwhile, Shaningwa in a statement informed all Swapo members, supporters and sympathisers to disassociate themselves with presidential independent candidate Dr Panduleni Itula.
According to Shaningwa, “subversive activities” of ltula are aimed at confusing and misleading Swapo members. 

She said the party has noted with immense concern that ltula, despite him publicly proclaiming that he is a Swapo Party member, decided to register himself as a presidential candidate in direct competition with and against the party’s nominated and sole presidential candidate President Hage Geingob. 

“Throughout the history of the party, members who differ with the policies of the party resigned or formed their own political parties. Three such political parties have been formed within this context,” she said.
“We therefore accept that Dr ltula, with effect from the date of his registration with the ECN as presidential candidate, has irreversibly excommunicated himself as a member of the party and is thus no longer a Swapo member,” she said.