
Swapo should not be surprised by a slight margin victory in future

Home Opinions Swapo should not be surprised by a slight margin victory in future

It is worth mentioning the SWAPO hierarchy is made up of a dominant number of egotistical leaders who think they are more Namibian than the true Namibians who fought and sacrificed their lives for freedom and independence of this country, the likes of Tate Kambo, Mzee Simon Kaukungwa, Andimba Toivo ya Toivo and many others.

From the economic point of view, Namibia has an immeasurable richness in the sense that it can sustain its people should the resources be shared equitably and rightfully across the country.

“Who should do that?’’ remains a question of concern of which that was not supposed to be the case, when we have the leaders with power invested in them by their own citizens that they are betraying without any concern.

I feel for the authentic patriots who are vigorously working towards economic emancipation for all Namibians yet their counterparts are doing it for themselves.

Not everyone is blindfolded, the truth is that; Namibia is just a better place for certain individuals holding lucrative positions in government, only the few of many are the true representation of the voiceless Namibians.

I rest my arguments to the Mayor of Windhoek, who is allegedly playing a major role in awarding land to the deserveless individuals at the expense of true Namibians who contributed magnificently to this country through sports, the likes of Harry Simon and the Namibian youths who are often referred to as ‘future leaders’. I don’t know how that would be, a better term could be. We claim to advocate and exercise democracy, so does Agnes Kafula’s favouritism portray any symbol of good governance in a democratic nation?

Kafula has lately been the centre of attention with regard to land, evidenced by the awarding of land to her son at the expense of those who have been applying since 2003, honestly nothing transparent to underpin Kafula’s actions, hence, she must be ashamed of herself for her atrocious demeanor.

I support Job Amupanda’s decision of grabbing Kleine Kuppe’s land despite doing it unlawfully, because it’s like nothing is done in accordance to the law in Namibia, simply those who enact laws are the same people who violate these same laws.

So, if he did that as job, a citizen of this country and not a Job Amupanda, the (now former) SPYL spokesperson, I believe it is high time all the youth should march behind him irrespective of how bad the situation could eventually end.

Youth should rightfully fight for their rights of owning land perhaps that is when the top leaders would leave their comfort zones to intervene.
It’s time citizens, especially the rural elderly, open their eyes and understand the realism of democracy and value the significance of opposition parties in the best interest of all citizens for economic emancipation that we yearn for.

Concerned Youth