
Swapo wins by a landslide in Endola

Home Featured Swapo wins by a landslide in Endola

ENDOLA – Swapo candidate Ferdinand Shifidi emerged victorious during the Endola Constituency by-election on Friday.

Shifidi’s landslide victory came over Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) candidate Pius Hafeni and Venda Denis Kahungu of Congress of Democracy (CoD) .

The by-election in Endola Constituency of Ohangwena Region was necessitated by the death of that constituency’s previous councillor Ruth Nhinda who died in August.

Shifidi emerged victorious with 6 633 votes which represented 90.47 percent of the total votes cast.

Hafeni only garnered 631 votes and Kahangu of CoD received a measly 68 of the votes which represent 8.61 percent and 0.93 percent respectively.

A total of 7 332 votes were cast.

Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) Director of Elections Professor Paul Isaak said the by-election was held in a peaceful environment, which allowed the ECN officials to carry out their jobs effectively.

He praised the community of Endola for turning up in big numbers maintaining the turn-up was beyond expectations.

“I’m happy with the turnout. Because the general election is close, one would think that a few people would have turned up as many would probably prefer to wait for the general election, but the people here came in a big number,” stated Isaak.

The Endola by-election was the second by-election to be held in Ohangwena Region.

In August a by-election was held in Ohangwena Constituency following the death of that constituency’s councillor Maria Kombwana.

Johannes Hakanyome of Swapo trounced RDP candidate Vilho Shomwooshili in that by-election.