
Teen who fatally stabbed lover gets bail

Home National Teen who fatally stabbed lover gets bail

WINDHOEK – A 19-year-old woman, arrested in July for allegedly killing her 25-year-old ex-lover, was finally released on bail in Katutura Magistrates Court after four months since her arrest. 

Hannely Unotjari Karukua, 19, made her second court appearance yesterday on a charge of murder. Karukua was released on bail in the amount of N$3000 after she spent months in custody since her arrest on July 05.

Karukua could not be released on bail when she made her first court appearance on July 08 before Magistrates Johannes Shuuveni, as the state strongly opposed the notion. At the time, the state objected to bail due to the serious nature of the offence, and the fact that investigations were still at infant stage.

The state charged Karukua with a count of murder for the death of her ex-boyfriend, Thomas Nicolas Alweendo, 25, on July 05. 

According to the prosecution, Karukua intentionally and unlawfully caused the death of Alweendo by stabbing him. Alweendo died after he was stabbed with a knife in the neck and head by Karukua and his male friend at the corner of Ongava and Ombakata Street in Okuryangava, Katutura.

According to the police reports, the three allegedly got into the argument after Alweendo damaged the tyres of his friend’s car. 

During the scuffle, a friend of Alweendo allegedly stabbed the friend twice in the head; thereafter, Karukua stabbed Alweendo in the neck, and he died instantly. Alweendo’s friend was arrested, but he was later released.

It is alleged that Alweendo and Karukua dated for about two months this year, but were separated at the time of the incident.
Karukua is expected to make her appearance back in court on April 04, 2019 to give the police ample time to finalise their investigations into the matter. Karukua was warned to make an appearance as scheduled, or risk having a warrant of arrest issued against her.