
Theft suspect kills girlfriend

Home National Theft suspect kills girlfriend

ONGWEDIVA – A 31-year-old man allegedly killed his girlfriend after he escaped from the Oshakati Intermediate Hospital where he was under police guard for theft of a laptop.

The suspect is alleged to have stabbed his girlfriend and mother of his children in the head and face.
Inspector Tomas Aiyambo the police spokesperson in Oshana Region said the deceased has two visible wounds on the left side of her face and another on the head.
It is suspected she also sustained a broken arm.

The suspect after committing the crime allegedly fled the scene and was only arrested a day later.
He was arrested in the Etayi Constituency in Omusati Region.

Aiyambo said the duo were allegedly involved in a fight prior to the fatal incident.
“The deceased and the suspect were fighting from a certain local bar until the deceased’s temporary residence, where the deceased was found dead,” said Aiyambo.

The fatal incident happened at Okandjengedi in Oshakati.
Aiyambo said their three children who were at home at the time allegedly fled the room when their parents started fighting again and where given refuge by one of the deceased friends.
The suspect was initially allegedly arrested for theft of a laptop recently.

Still in Oshana Region, the police is investigating a case of reckless and negligent driving after a head-on-collision on the Ondangwa main road near Opoto on Sunday.

One of the drivers who was coming from Ondangwa was allegedly trying to avoid a car that was overtaking when collided head on with the oncoming car.
Four of the passengers sustained minor to serious injuries.